Tips for Taking Apple Cider Vinegar Pills

Apple cider vinegar is likely something you’ve heard more and more of in the health and wellness world as of late. It’s made by fermenting apples with bacteria and yeast. Due to its antioxidant and antimicrobial effects, apple cider vinegar (commonly referred to as ACV) offers tremendous health benefits for those who consume it medicinally.

Those who consume ACV for health may do so because of its benefits for weight loss or lower blood sugar levels. Some even drink apple cider vinegar to alleviate their symptoms of acid reflux and other digestive problems.

Apart from the advantages ACV supplements offer overall, one of the best things about apple cider vinegar is that it can be ingested through pills rather than through drinking this tart, tangy and acidic vinegar.

Advantages ACV Supplements

While there are a few benefits just to that, let’s dive into a few apple cider tablets’ benefits and reasons why someone might consider supplementing with them.

Apple Cider Vinegar Pill Uses

The benefits of consuming apple cider vinegar are mainly due to its main active compound, acetic acid. Research shows that the acetic acid in liquid vinegar can:


  • Promote weight loss: ACV can decrease body fat and aid weight loss.
  • Reduce cholesterol levels: ACV can reduce cholesterol and triglyceride (a type of fat in your blood) levels.
  • Maintain blood sugar levels: ACV can help decrease blood sugar levels in the body and improve its ability to use it.

The high levels of acetic acid in apple cider vinegar are also known to support metabolism. Plus, ACV’s high potassium content helps reduce fluid retention, and both of these factors combined are one reason why many turn to ACV pills for weight loss. Not to mention, apple cider vinegar contains other minerals and vitamins that help promote detoxification, circulation, and the maintenance of good health.

Apple cider vinegar pills contain a dehydrated form of ACV. And as long as you choose the right supplement, you will get a healthy daily dose of these benefits with the ease and convenience of a capsule without the aftertaste!

Apple Cider Vinegar Dosage and Choosing a Supplement


One 2016 study found that just consuming just 15 milliliters (ml) per day can improve lifestyle-related diseases, such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and obesity.

Most research also indicates that 15-30 ml of apple cider vinegar (750-1,500 mg), or the equivalent of 1-2 tablespoons, is a healthy daily dose for a person to reap these potential benefits. 

When choosing an ACV supplement, note that you will get the most benefits from those with the highest concentration of acetic acid per serving. So, you won’t only want to look at the mg of ACV per capsule, but of ACV’s active compound, acetic acid. That said, there are other ingredients to consider as well. The best apple cider vinegar supplements contain other beneficial ingredients like vitamins and botanicals that enhance the benefits.

While drinking apple cider vinegar can lead to negative side effects such as tooth enamel erosion, ACV capsules allow you to bypass the unpleasant effects and cut straight to benefits. When consuming apple cider vinegar pills, following the label’s recommended serving size and instructions is advised.

Apple Cider Vinegar Supplements UK - The Longevity Lab

The fermentation process that locally grown apples undergo for our best-selling apple cider vinegar capsules yields the highest possible acetic acid concentration per serving. One serving contains 700 mg of apple cider vinegar in two easy-to-swallow capsules. Plus, these high-strength capsules are non-GMO and vegan friendly.

While it’s worth noting that apple cider vinegar should not be used as a replacement for a healthy diet, exercise, or other lifestyle choices, this herbal remedy makes each of these far more achievable.



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